
Woordenlijsten Library

Hier vind je de woordenlijsten van Library van Eisma. Leer de woordjes makkelijk met Wozzol.

Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • ad (advertisement) = advertentie
  • the alert = de waarschuwing
  • Don't ignore the alert on your phone.

    de waarschuwing

  • AM = 's ochtends (0.00 tot 12.00 uur)
  • My alarm clock went of at 6 AM.

    's ochtends (0.00 tot 12.00 uur)

  • author = schrijver
  • The author of the book is very famous.


  • based on = gebaseerd op
  • He is not happy about it, based on this review.

    gebaseerd op

  • brackets = haakjes
  • Why is this sentence written in brackets?


  • date = datum
  • On what date is the campaign going to start?


  • even = zelfs
  • They even asked me to leave, can you imagine?


  • except = behalve
  • He watched every episode except the last one.


  • for example = bijvoorbeeld
  • She, for example, does not talk about politics.


  • forecast = voorspelling
  • What is the forecast like for tomorrow?


  • however = maar, echter
  • You may love travelling, however, I don't.

    maar, echter

  • if necessary = indien nodig
  • You can use a dictionary if necessary.

    indien nodig

  • in case of = voor het geval dat
  • Break the glass in case of an emergency.

    voor het geval dat

  • leaflet = folder
  • Read the leaflet about the museum.


  • plenty = voldoende
  • There are plenty words to choose from.


  • PM = 's middags en 's avonds (12.00 tot 24.00 uur)
  • I went to bed at 9.30 PM.

    's middags en 's avonds (12.00 tot 24.00 uur)

  • probably = waarschijnlijk
  • She probably wants to talk to you.


  • question = vraag
  • Answer the question in Dutch.


  • a review = een recensie
  • I read a review about the concert.

    een recensie

  • summary = samenvatting
  • What is the best summary of paragraph 3?


  • though = echter, maar
  • He likes to travel, though his wife does not.

    echter, maar

  • (to) check = bekijken
  • (to) decide = besluiten
  • (to) insist = er op staan, volhouden
  • (to) look at / (to) check = bekijken
  • state about = zeggen over
  • to state about

    zeggen over

  • various = verschillende
  • There are various options to choose from.


  • writer = schrijver
  • What message does the writer give you?
