Pearson Wider World NL

Woordenlijsten Pearson Wider World NL

Hier vind je de woordenlijsten van Pearson Wider World NL. Leer de woordjes makkelijk met Wozzol.

Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • famous for = beroemd zijn door
  • J.K. Rowling is famous for writing Harry Potter books.

  • belongs to a gang = bij een bende horen
  • My neighbours' son belongs to a gang but his parents don't know about that.

  • brush its fur = de vacht borstelen
  • When you have a dog, you need to brush its fur.

  • doing dangerous things = gevaarlijke dingen doen
  • I'm not adventurous. I don't like doing dangerous things.

  • eat live animals = levende dieren eten
  • Snakes eat live animals.

  • clean its litter tray = de kattenbak schoonmaken
  • When you have a cat, you need to clean its litter tray at least once a day.

  • feed your pet = een huisdier voeren
  • You shouldn't feed your pet with your own food.

  • fun to play with = leuk om mee te spelen
  • Tortoises are fun to play with.

  • give you allergies = je een allergie geven / een allergie krijgen
  • If you have problems with allergies and you want a pet, you need to choose an animal that doesn't give you allergies.

  • ignore their advice = advies negeren
  • Your parents are your friends and want good for you. You shouldn't ignore their advice.

  • look after her pet = zorgen voor een huisdier
  • Mary is going on holiday and asked me to look after her pet for a week.

  • make a lot of noise = veel geluid maken / lawaai maken
  • We have two parrots at home and they can make a lot of noise.

  • miss = missen
  • Children miss their parents a lot when they don't see them for a long time.

  • protect your home = je huis beschermen
  • Dogs are great friends and they protect your home.

  • scratch the furniture = aan het meubilair krabben
  • Cats can scratch the furniture.

  • take my dog for a walk = een hond uitlaten
  • I take my dog for a walk three times a day.

  • take it to the vet's = een ​​huisdier naar de dierenarts brengen
  • There's something wrong with our cat. We need to take it to the vet's.

  • take risks = risico's nemen
  • I'm a very careful driver. I never take risks.

  • train = africhten / trainen
  • "Come on! Be serious! You can't train fish!

    een huisdier africhten / trainen

  • wash = wassen
  • We need to wash our dog. It's dirty.

    een huisdier wassen

  • book you're working on = werken aan een boek
  • What is the book you're working on at the moment about?