Pearson Wider World NL

Woordenlijsten Pearson Wider World NL

Hier vind je de woordenlijsten van Pearson Wider World NL. Leer de woordjes makkelijk met Wozzol.

Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • cut her finger = vinger openhalen / in je vinger snijden
  • She cut her finger when she was opening a can of cola.

  • do exercises = oefeningen doen
  • You need to do exercises if you want to be fit.

  • does yoga = aan yoga doen
  • My mum does yoga every morning.

  • doing weight training = aan gewichtheffen doen
  • Her brother started doing weight training but he gave up after just a month.

  • fall asleep = in slaap vallen
  • My parents always fall asleep in front of the TV.

  • feels tired = je moe voelen
  • He did not sleep last night, he feels tired.

  • feel terrible = je slecht voelen
  • I worked too hard, I feel terrible.

  • feeling sick = je ziek voelen
  • I ate too much and now I'm feeling sick.

  • getting ready for bed = klaarmaken om naar bed te gaan
  • The children finished their supper and are getting ready for bed.

  • get up early = vroeg opstaan
  • I get up early every day so I'm sleepy in the afternoon.

  • went swimming = gaan zwemmen
  • We went swimming yesterday afternoon but the swimming pool was closed.

  • went cycling = gaan fietsen
  • He went cycling yesterday.

  • went running = gaan hardlopen
  • After school, we went running.

  • went to bed = naar bed gaan / gaan slapen
  • She went to bed early last night because she was very tired.

  • goes to the gym = naar de sportschool gaan
  • My sister looks after her body and goes to the gym three times a week.

  • good for you = goed voor je / slecht voor je
  • You should know that crisps aren't good for you.

  • allergy = allergie
  • I should not eat peanuts, I have an allergy.

  • a cold, a cough and a headache = een verkoudheid, een hoest en hoofdpijn
  • I feel sick, I have a cold, a cough and a headache.

  • hay fever = hooikoorts
  • Every spring Betty has a hay fever.

  • the flu = de griep
  • When somebody feels warm, they probably have the flu.

  • stomachache = buikpijn
  • After eating too much, I usually have a stomachache.

  • a high temperature and a sore throat = een hoge temperatuur en een pijnlijke keel
  • Chris has to stay in bed because he's got a high temperature and a sore throat.

  • toothache = kiespijn hebben
  • If you have a toothache, you should go to the dentist.

  • had a dream = een droom hebben
  • I had a dream last night and I woke up very tired.

  • have PE lessons = gymlessen hebben
  • We have PE lessons twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • hit my head = je hoofd stoten
  • I didn't notice the cupboard was open and hit my head.

  • hurt his back = je rug pijn doen / je rug bezeren
  • When we played hockey, Paul fell and hurt his back.

  • make an appointment with the doctor = een afspraak maken met de dokter
  • You should make an appointment with the doctor- your toe doesn't look good.

  • pay attention to = naar iets luisteren
  • Unfortunately, he doesn't pay attention to what his parents say.

  • football, basketbal or rugby = voetbal, basketbal of rugby
  • In our PE lessons we do many different sports, like football, basketbal or rugby but we don't play tennis.

  • rides his motorbike = rijden op een motor
  • My uncle rides his motorbike to work every day.

  • score a basket = een punt scoren (bij basketbal) / de bal in de basket dunken
  • When I was trying to score a basket, I twisted my ankle and fell.

  • sleep well = goed slapen
  • Did you sleep well?

  • stay up late = tot laat opblijven
  • I can't stay up late because I start school early in the morning.

  • stay in bed late = lang in bed blijven
  • At the weekend I usually stay in bed late.

    lang in bed blijven (liggen)

  • takes tablets = een ​​tablet innemen / medicijnen innemen
  • My dad is a hypochondriac and takes tablets he doesn't really need.

  • twisted her ankle = je enkel verzwikken / je enkel verdraaien
  • My mum twisted her ankle when we were climbing a mountain - she couldn't walk for days.

  • woke up late = laat wakker worden
  • I woke up late this morning and I missed my train.

  • woke up early = vroeg wakker worden
  • I woke up early to go for a swim.