Pearson Wider World NL

Woordenlijsten Pearson Wider World NL

Hier vind je de woordenlijsten van Pearson Wider World NL. Leer de woordjes makkelijk met Wozzol.

Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • pack of sugar and an apple = een pak suiker en een appel
  • Could you buy a pack of sugar and an apple?

  • a bar of chocolate = een reep chocola
  • I'm not into sweets but from time to time I can't resist a bar of chocolate.

  • bottle of water = een fles water
  • I always take a bottle of water to school.

  • box of matches = doos met lucifers
  • I need a box of matches to light the fire.

  • box of her favourite cream cakes = een doos met slagroomtaartjes
  • I'm going to visit my granny so I bought a box of her favourite cream cakes.

  • a bunch of flowers = een bos bloemen
  • We bought Mum a bunch of flowers for her birthday.

  • can of cola = een blikje cola
  • I'm thirsty. Can I have a can of cola, please?

  • a good choice = een goede / ruime keuze
  • I like this shop because they've got a good choice of games.

  • the price was good = een goede prijs
  • We decided to buy the car because the price was good.

  • jar of jam = een pot jam
  • I dropped a jar of jam and it broke.

  • a loaf of bread = een brood
  • How much is a loaf of bread?

  • packet of crisps = een zakje chips
  • She usually has a packet of crisps and a can of lemonade for lunch.

  • a piece of paper = een stuk papier
  • Can I have a piece of paper and a pencil? I need to make a shopping list.

  • on sale = te koop zijn
  • The new Stephen King's book is already on sale at most bookshops.

  • borrow money = geld lenen
  • I often borrow money from my mum.

  • doing some shopping = wat boodschappen doen
  • My neighbour is ill so I'm doing some shopping for her.

  • earn her own money = zelf geld verdienen
  • Sally was very proud when she got her first job and could earn her own money.

  • forgot my change = je wisselgeld vergeten
  • I paid in cash for the jeans and I think I forgot my change.

  • got change = wisselgeld hebben
  • I do not have to pay by card because I got change.

  • pocket money = zakgeld
  • I think I should get more pocket money.

  • get them a present = iemand een cadeau geven
  • This is our first visit to their house. I think we should get them a present.

  • give me information = informatie geven
  • Could you give me information about the project?

  • went for a pizza = een pizza gaan halen
  • We went for a pizza after the cinema.

  • go ice-skating = gaan schaatsen
  • Every winter we go ice-skating on the ice rink in the centre of the town.

  • going shopping = gaan winkelen
  • Are you going shopping with us?

  • invited some friends to my house = vrienden thuis uitnodigen
  • I invited some friends to my house on Friday afternoon.

  • keep money in my pocket = geld in je zak hebben
  • I don't like wallets and I usually keep money in my pocket.

  • left her a message = een bericht achterlaten
  • I didn't want to wake Mum up so I left her a message on the table.

  • lend money to people = geld lenen aan iemand
  • I never lend money to people I don't know well.

  • make a list = een lijst maken / opstellen
  • I think we should make a list of Christmas presents.

  • made the arrangements = afspraken maken
  • They made the arrangements for their wedding.

  • meet my friends = vrienden ontmoeten
  • I often meet my friends at the weekend.

  • organised a surprise party = een verrassingfeest organiseren
  • We organised a surprise party for our English teacher and she was very happy.

  • paid me back = iemand terugbetalen
  • I lent him some money and he paid me back last week.

  • planning a surpise = een verrassing voorbereiden
  • It's my best friend's birthday next month and we are planning a surpise for her.

  • saving money = geld sparen
  • He's saving money to buy a new tablet.

  • showing the new film = een nieuwe film vertonen
  • They're showing the new film at the Multiplex at 4.00.

  • spend my money = geld uitgeven
  • I would like to spend my money on sustainable clothes.

  • spends her free time = vrije tijd besteden
  • Sara spends her free time playing computer games.

  • take a train = een ​​trein nemen
  • You can fly from Paris to London or you can take a train.

  • the right size = de juiste maat
  • These boots are the right size. I'm going to buy them.

  • a waste of money = geldverspilling
  • A small purse for 4.000 euros is a waste of money.