Pearson Wider World NL

Woordenlijsten Pearson Wider World NL

Hier vind je de woordenlijsten van Pearson Wider World NL. Leer de woordjes makkelijk met Wozzol.

Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • doing the workshop = een workshop doen
  • Adam is doing the workshop regarding drama because he wants to perform in the show.

  • does dance classes = danslessen nemen
  • Kate wants to lose weight so she goes to the gym on Monday and does dance classes on Friday.

  • eat out = uit eten gaan
  • I don't have time to cook so I often eat out.

  • getting good reviews = goede recensies krijgen
  • It's getting good reviews, so come and enjoy great dancing and amazing costumes!

  • go on stage = het podium op gaan
  • You can also go on stage after the show for your first Bollywood dance class.

  • going to music events = naar muziekevenementen gaan
  • I like going to music events with my friends.

  • play a musical instrument = instrument bespelen
  • I would like to learn how to play a musical instrument.

  • starred in all the films = de hoofdrol spelen in alle films
  • Harrison Ford starred in all the films about Indiana Jones.

  • tell this sad story = een treurig verhaal vertellen
  • There are no spoken words, but music, dance and songs tell this sad story.

  • watch the performance = een optreden zien
  • Meet Edward Scissorhands, and watch the performance as he tries to find friendship, family and love.

  • watching films or shows = films of shows kijken
  • Do you like watching films or shows?