
Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • arrest = arrestatie
  • After his arrest Fawkes said, “I wish I had succeeded.”


  • attempt = pogen
  • Guido Fawkes attempted to blow up King James and his government in London.


  • barrel = vat
  • They filled the cellars with barrels containing 2,500 kg of gunpowder.


  • bishop = bisschop
  • A bishop is an important Christian priest who is in charge of all the churches in an area.


  • blow up = opblazen
  • Guido Fawkes attempted to blow up King James and his government in London.


  • Catholic = katholiek
  • Fawkes and his gang were Catholics, who were persecuted in England at that time.


  • ceiling = plafond
  • A ceiling is the surface above you in a room.


  • cellar = kelder
  • They filled the cellars under the building with barrels containing 2,500 kg of gunpowder.


  • collapse = instorten
  • After the explosion, a lot of buildings collapsed.


  • conspirator = samenzweerder
  • Fawkes and the other conspirators were all executed.


  • crack = barsten
  • Up to 500 metres away glass would have cracked or broken.


  • destruction = vernietiging
  • There would have been total destruction of all buildings within 42 metres.


  • execute = executeren
  • Fawkes and the other conspirators were all executed.


  • explosion = explosie
  • We saw the car crash and then we heard an explosion.


  • explosive = explosief
  • They filled the cellars with barrels containing 2,500kg of gunpowder - a powerful explosive.


  • farmhouse = boerderij
  • When Sally won the lottery, did she buy a farmhouse?


  • flatten = platgooien / platwalsen
  • The explosion would have flattened a large part of central London.

    platgooien / platwalsen

  • get away with = wegkomen met
  • If you get away with something, you succeed in doing it without any consequences.

    wegkomen met

  • gunpowder = buskruit
  • They filled the cellars with barrels containing 2,500 kg of gunpowder - a powerful explosive.


  • Houses of Parliament = parlementsgebouw
  • They filled the cellars of the Houses of Parliament with barrels of gunpowder.


  • lottery = loterij
  • When Sally won the lottery, did she buy a farmhouse?


  • MP = MP (parlementslid)
  • An MP is a Member of Parliament – someone who has been elected as a representative.

    MP (parlementslid)

  • noble = persoon van adel
  • A noble is a member of the nobility – people in the highest social class.

    persoon van adel

  • persecute = vervolgen
  • Catholics were persecuted in England at that time.


  • plot = complot
  • They filled the cellars with barrels of gunpowder but their plot was discovered.


  • raise = houden / fokken
  • If I hadn't started painting, I would have raised chickens.

    houden / fokken

  • red-handed = op heterdaad
  • Fawkes was caught red-handed just before he set light to the explosive.

    op heterdaad

  • set light to = aansteken
  • Fawkes was caught just before he set light to the explosive.


  • take = beginnen met
  • I've taken up painting and I sold my first picture last week.

    beginnen met