
Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • dialect = dialect
  • The Romansch language has five very different dialects.


  • die out = uitsterven
  • Unless something is done, about half the world's languages are going to die out.


  • disaster = ramp
  • Language death may be caused by natural or man-made disasters, like earthquakes and war.


  • extinction = uitsterven
  • We ought to be concerned when a language is threatened with extinction.


  • fluent = vloeiend
  • The Ainu language had only eight fluent speakers left.


  • growth = groei / uitbreiding
  • The growth of English is killing other languages.

    groei / uitbreiding

  • half a dozen = zes
  • Linguists say there are about half a dozen killer languages, apart from English.


  • increasingly = in toenemende mate
  • Romansch is increasingly used in its spoken form.

    in toenemende mate

  • killer = moordenaar
  • The young wona's killer has not yet been found.


  • linguist = taalkundige / linquist
  • A linguist is someone who speaks or studies languages.

    taalkundige / linquist

  • minority = minderheid
  • Speakers of a minority language sometimes stop using it in favour of a more popular language.


  • murder = moord
  • Language murder happens when speakers of a minority language stop using it.


  • policies = beleid
  • New government policies in Japan saved the Ainu language.


  • recreate = nieuw leven inblazen
  • You can't recreate a spoken language when it is dead.

    nieuw leven inblazen

  • replay = opnieuw afspelen
  • We replayed the recording several times but couldn't hear the message.

    opnieuw afspelen

  • retold = opnieuw vertellen
  • When she retold the story, some of the details had changed.

    opnieuw vertellen

  • rewrote = herschrijven
  • The students rewrote the project after they had corrected the mistakes.


  • status = status
  • Romansch Grishum now has official status in parts of Switzerland.


  • term = term
  • What does the term “language murder” mean?
